Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's True What They Say..

...absence really does make the heart grow fonder, you guys.

For those of you who don't know, my main squeeze will start grad school in Memphis this fall. Praise the Lord, we are so excited at the prospect of fulfilled dreams! We are, however, having to  make a few adjustments. For the past three years, Drew has been in Oxford, we have been little more than a stone's throw from one another, and spending time together has been a breeze. Our parents even live in neighboring towns, so with the exception of a few girls' trips/"male bonding experiences", we haven't yet known the meaning of  distance. This summer, though, after weeks of gradual packing, we loaded up everything in his comfy condo, and, just like that, our norms changed. I spent half of the move smiling as I encountered countless old photos, handwritten notes, and corks from the cheap bottles of wine that joined us on the deck almost every weekend. The other half, I spent kicking and screaming calmly expressing my concerns about the impending changes. The past 2.5 weeks without him here have seemed like a lifetime, but I've come to a few realizations.

1) This is a season. 
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." - Ecclesiastes 3:1
I am overjoyed, humbled, and thankful for the season of togetherness the Lord granted us.  In the early stages of our relationship, time to get to know one another without the difficulty of travel was such a blessing. And while I know that our time to love (v.8) is far from over, it is currently overlapping Drew's time to gather stones together (v.5). The next two years are his time (mine too, really) to focus on building a foundation for the future. Time to gather what it takes to live the life we are so avidly looking forward to. You gather those stones, babe. I'll be cheering you on, just don't expect me to drop Hotty Toddy in favor of Go Tigers!

2) This is a year for the girls.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man (woman) sharpens another" - Proverbs 27:17
With Drew in Memphis, I will have more time to cultivate existing friendships. I want my final year at Ole Miss to be spent making the most of the community the Lord has placed me in. Gals, we have spent the last years together, transitioning from girls to women (Britney Spears lyrics are awkwardly fitting, but I decided not to go there.), and learning from one another. You've all seen me struggle on many levels, from burning dinner to overcoming troublesome areas of sin, and I am a better woman for the guidance you all have given me. I promise to spend this year making every effort to sharpen you all as you have sharpened me, to be encouraging when you need it, and to love you as my sisters in Christ.

3) We will be blessed for our faithfulness during challenging times.
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful." -Hebrews 10:23
God is faithful in Oxford, in Memphis, and wherever else He may decide to take us. I know that Satan would love for the stress of the coming two years to steer me from Christ as I frantically try to survive the school-family-friends-work-boyfriend circus. I will do my best to adjust to these changes without wavering, without losing sight of Him. As our lives are altered, I pray that our focus won't be. I pray that the distance from one another will cause us to draw nearer to our Lord than we ever have. I know that he will remain faithful. He will see that we pass through this season with flying colors, and He will see that we come out of it better than ever.

As I say these things, I know that they are more goals than realities at this point. I plan to pray over these three passages incessantly until they are active in my life. I can't promise that you'll always see me keeping it together this year, but I can promise that you will see me thankful beyond measure for the opportunities this time will bring. 

Thank you, Lord, for your goodness!