Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Being Mindful of Holy Week

You guys, I've lived 21 Easters. I've put on the big, poofy hairbows and the dresses that match the rest of my family. I've sung the songs. I've taken communion. For TWENTY-ONE years. And I have missed it. I have missed feeling the full weight of God's mercy during the Easter season. Sure, I've been aware of the fact that He died for my sins, but I'm guilty of not always being mindful of it. Being mindful in preparing my heart for this week. Being mindful as I read, for the millionth time, about what Jesus did for me in the week leading up to his death on the cross. 

As Easter approaches, I'm reflecting on the Lenten season. Gosh, it flew by. I'm five weeks into a quieter mind--a mind that isn't consumed by social networking in my spare time, but a mind and a heart that have slowed down to prepare for this week. This holiest of weeks, I am celebrating Christ's sacrifice for me like never before. My heart has never been so burdened by the weight of my own sin or so freed by the ultimate sacrifice that He made. In short, my heart is FULL.

This heart is full because Jesus paid it all. We can't forget that, and we can't become numb to it. Click play on the video below, close your eyes, and sing to Him. Sing it a million times, and pray that the Lord will clear your heart to realize the gravity of it.

A simple "Thanks" will just not do, you guys. Let's realize in this moment that if God never did another thing for us, He has already done more than enough. Let's commit this week to stop asking for more and spend time just thanking him and resting in what He has already done. He's saved us, y'all. Our chains are gone. We've been set free. We are His, and He is ours, and nothing in the world compares to that.

Let's be MINDFUL.

Love to you,

1 comment:

  1. LOVE YOU. So thankful for you and for this reminder as we are right in the middle of holy week. Overwhelming. Miss and love you so so much.
