Monday, May 7, 2012

Lessons From Home

Amidst all of the hustle and bustle that being a college student brings, there are some weekends that I just need to be home. While I enjoy worshipping the Lord in Oxford and in Drew's hometown of Booneville, there is nothing quite like a Sunday spent in my home church. The church where my paternal grandfather pastored for more than twenty years. The church where my mom grew up watching her father lead the choir. The church that introduced my parents, sparking one of the most inspirational marriages I've ever known. The church whose grounds boast beautiful moss-covered fountains and gorgeous flowers in the Kennith and Jean Kirk Memorial Garden, dedicated to my grandparents. The church where I now watch my dad, filling his father-in-law's shoes, leading members in worship services every Sunday. The church that raised me. Home. My heart is always blessed by a Sunday at home, and yesterday was one of the best.

I think it's pretty standard of us as followers of Christ to find ourselves repeatedly struggling with the same sins. While our prayers are to overcome these obstacles in our faith, our devotion to the cause is often lacking.

The first chapter of 2 Peter begins by describing the glorious promises the Lord has in store for us as his people. Peter discusses our escape from the sinfulness of this world and God's promise to help us overcome such desires. Verse 5 says  "For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge." 

Peter's goal in this section is to remind us that as believers of Christ and believers in his promises, we can't be passive and half-hearted in our faith. God never intended for us to sit back in effortless following of Christ's teachings. For as much as the Lord has promised us, we are called to make every effort in our power to honor him. We honor him with a virtuous heart, and a heart like that can only be supplemented by knowledge of his Word. As our Biblical knowledge increases, we will be able to better apply it to the sinful areas in our lives. The more familiarity we have with the Word, the better we are at defending our hearts against ungodly intrusions. If there are continual areas of sin in our lives, perhaps it would help to step back and see how avidly we are seeking a defense. The best armor of all is right in front of us, ready to be applied to our transgressions. Defense wins ballgames, folks. Give it a shot!

Get Carried Away with God's Word today!

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