Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Resting Place

I mentioned in my first post that my nursery school kiddos have taught me a lot. They have showcased such innocence and honesty during our afternoons together. As I have helped them be the best little people they can be, they have stretched me to become a better person myself. A better Miss Carrie.

Here is a picture from this afternoon--out on the ball court with my main man, G.S. He is as all-boy as they come, but this baby's rough-and-tumble nature, dirt smeared little cheeks, and sweaty hair are delightfully balanced with sweet giggles and even sweeter hugs. After buzzing around the playground until his four-year-old heart is pounding, G often collapses into my lap for a recharge. 

Today, as I ran my fingers through G's messy tangles, I noticed a wild parallel to my own life. I realized that just as this little boy needs a lap to fall into when he has completely tired himself out, I also have a favorite resting spot when my tank is on empty.  At the end of long, strenuous days (this final exam week, especially), nothing comforts me more than dropping all of my weight right into the lap of my Father. I can come, scraped up knees, dirty hands, and all to this place of quiet rest where trivial pursuits take a backseat. A place where bigger, better, faster gives way to deep breaths, serenity, and perspective. Today, I am thankful for a place to "park it" when I am overwhelmed with life's chaos. I am thankful for the lap of my Lord--always welcoming, always comforting, always rejuvenating. 

Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
Luke 18:17

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