Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Sweetest Summer

Oh, I was dreading this summer, you guys. Spanish class five days a week was not what I wanted penciled in my little planner, but thus is the reality of an almost-senior who waited just a tad too long to declare her minor. So, Spanish, I did. I spoke it. I dreamed it. I translated everything I saw or heard, from the back of my shampoo bottle in the morning to Michael Jackson lyrics on the way home. Now I've got six semesters of it down and only three to go! But, in between the essays, grammar manuals, and exams, I did manage to squeeze in one of the best summers of my life. No, I couldn't get away from Oxford long enough for a to-die-for vacation, but my days off couldn't have been sweeter. Here are a few of the highlights:

I moved into this little casa with four of my best friends. We have laughed, cried, and played so much in these two quick months, and I am so excited for the rest of this year I'll have with them. There really is nothing better than sitting on that porch, plugging in an iHome, and chatting the night away with my best gals.

Drewbie and I spent a Saturday at the St. Jude Classic golf tournament. I was sweating my tail off, but it was so much fun to see him in his element. I also bought my first set of clubs this summer. They're pretty sassy, but it only takes about three holes to wear my patience thin. Drew says it's going to take some time, but I'm thinking maybe golf just isn't my thing..?

I spent my last couple of weeks with my nursery school babes.(Aren't the mustaches cute? It was France week for the 3 year olds.) My fall schedule just isn't going to leave me time for afternoons with them, but I plan to pop in every now and then for hugs and kisses. Oh, these kids are such blessings!

Drew and I marked through one of our must see before we die concerts. James Taylor was every bit as incredible as we expected him to be. Here's a little Fire and Rain treat for ya!

We moved Drew to Memphis. Here's his man cave/diva pad. It was, once again, a mix of emotions, but I am so excited for all that he is about to do! Proud of you, guy!

I turned 21! Celebrated with a little porch sitting, and....

...Drew treated me to a weekend in New Orleans! Oh, we had a ball, just filling up on gumbo and macarons. It was the perfect treat just before we have to separate for the semester!

It wasn't a glitzy summer by any means, but it was just wonderful. I was able to spend lots of time with my family, my girls, and my guy. Really couldn't ask for much more, huh? I hope you all had a wonderful summer, too! Good luck getting back into the swing of things!

Happy August!

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