Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ask, Seek, Knock

I am writing tonight as one amazed, humbled girl. I have seen the Lord answer my prayers on multiple occasions, but never so quickly, so boldly as He is doing right now. I'd like to share a little bit of scripture with you today that has just taken on new depth in my heart, and then I'll explain why.

It's the basis of my faith that I take every word of scripture as truth, but y'all know the feeling when God just blows your expectations out of the water? I'm living in that moment right now. I'm singing and dancing in my room in Oxford at 1:30am in this moment. I'm humbled to the point of tears, to the point of laughter, to the point that the only words I can utter are "You are so faithful, Lord." This moment is nothing short of blissful, you guys, because Jesus WILL do whatever we ask in His name, and that is just plain wonderful.

 Maybe I should take a moment to clarify that in His name and beside His name are not the same thing. I have been so guilty of masking my selfish prayers by putting them beside that sweet name.
- "Jesus, please let me be accepted into the grad school that I want to go to. I know it's one of the tops in the country and that is one heck of a stretch, but You, God, You can do anything. Come on. Please? Amen."
-"Jesus, I really haven't prepared like I should have for this exam, but You know all of the answers in the universe. Mind sharing a few with me? Amen."
-"Lord, you know that Sally Sue's attitude is the pits. Please work on her before she drives me crazy." (and all God's people said "amen," am I right?)
Guys, I am so ashamed by the prayers that I sometimes catch myself uttering. I'm ashamed that I've been guilty of taking scripture out of context. God never said "Whatever you ask for your benefit, this I will do, that you, Carrie, may be pleased. If you ask me anything that your sinful, earthly heart desires, I will do it." And what a relief it is that those were not His words! He never told us that we'd always get what we want, but he did say that He will always grant requests that are asked in His name with the intention of glorifying Him.

So, what answered prayer, specifically, am I talking about? Girlfriends, y'all. I'm talking about girlfriends who pray with me, who pray for me, who pray circles around my life. Girls who love Jesus and whose hearts are centered on His love and grace, making it natural for them to exhibit love and grace in our friendship. Girls who are more than surface-level pals. Girls who love me with a love like Paul describes in 1 Corinthians--patiently, kindly, selflessly, gracefully, and girls who don't rejoice in my wrongdoing, but get on their knees and pray me into the right direction, the right attitude, the right spirit. After a good little stretch of whining to God that "there just aren't enough women like this," I decided to hit the floor and pray hard about it. I prayed hard that He would show me just one, and that would be enough. Praise the Lord, for He does not settle at giving His babies just "enough!" Did you see the second verse in that picture up there? He loves us and wants to give us good things, even more good things than our earthly parents want to give us. Even more than we want to give to the people we love most...because we simply can not out-love Jesus. So he gave me not one, but several sweet, God-fearing ladies who have filled my heart and loved me unconditionally. He gave me friendships that, instead of distracting me from His goodness, draw me nearer to Him. I am so thankful that He did, y'all, because girls just need other girls. We find so much fullness in fellowship with other women because their hearts so closely match our own--women's hearts desire a love and comfort that only Christ can give. Next to that love, the love of sweet, Godly friends is one of the greatest blessings we can ask for. Go ahead. Seek. Ask Jesus for friends like that--he promised that, if it glorifies Him, it's as good as ours. Sweet deal, huh?

Monday, August 27, 2012

Prayers for Day One

Happy first day of grad school, my man! It's impossible for me to put into words how proud I am of you. You have worked harder than anyone I know, and I'm confident that your performance will continue to be top notch in this new environment. The Lord has provided you with such intellect, drive, and interpersonal skills that I know you'll be phenomenal.

 I have prayed for you all morning long, the culmination of three months of requests that the Lord would see you both mentally and spiritually prepared for this step. I prayed that your nerves were stifled and your slacks were ironed. I prayed that you'd be in this for the acquisition of both knowledge and experience. I prayed that you'll learn a lot about taking care of others while remembering to take time for yourself. I prayed that you'll remember where you started, but to never take your eyes off the future. More than anything, I prayed that you'll pray; pray about class, about work, about your dreams. Pray for your family and pray for me, that we'll all keep blooming even though we're planted in different places. Pray for your new classmates, that they'll flourish, too. And pray that you'll all learn from one another, so that at the end of two years you'll have picked up a lot more than textbook knowledge.

 I'll be here to cheer you on during every test and every long night with your books. I love you so much, and I can't wait to hear all about your first day!

"Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity." - 1 Timothy 4:12

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Sweetest Summer

Oh, I was dreading this summer, you guys. Spanish class five days a week was not what I wanted penciled in my little planner, but thus is the reality of an almost-senior who waited just a tad too long to declare her minor. So, Spanish, I did. I spoke it. I dreamed it. I translated everything I saw or heard, from the back of my shampoo bottle in the morning to Michael Jackson lyrics on the way home. Now I've got six semesters of it down and only three to go! But, in between the essays, grammar manuals, and exams, I did manage to squeeze in one of the best summers of my life. No, I couldn't get away from Oxford long enough for a to-die-for vacation, but my days off couldn't have been sweeter. Here are a few of the highlights:

I moved into this little casa with four of my best friends. We have laughed, cried, and played so much in these two quick months, and I am so excited for the rest of this year I'll have with them. There really is nothing better than sitting on that porch, plugging in an iHome, and chatting the night away with my best gals.

Drewbie and I spent a Saturday at the St. Jude Classic golf tournament. I was sweating my tail off, but it was so much fun to see him in his element. I also bought my first set of clubs this summer. They're pretty sassy, but it only takes about three holes to wear my patience thin. Drew says it's going to take some time, but I'm thinking maybe golf just isn't my thing..?

I spent my last couple of weeks with my nursery school babes.(Aren't the mustaches cute? It was France week for the 3 year olds.) My fall schedule just isn't going to leave me time for afternoons with them, but I plan to pop in every now and then for hugs and kisses. Oh, these kids are such blessings!

Drew and I marked through one of our must see before we die concerts. James Taylor was every bit as incredible as we expected him to be. Here's a little Fire and Rain treat for ya!

We moved Drew to Memphis. Here's his man cave/diva pad. It was, once again, a mix of emotions, but I am so excited for all that he is about to do! Proud of you, guy!

I turned 21! Celebrated with a little porch sitting, and....

...Drew treated me to a weekend in New Orleans! Oh, we had a ball, just filling up on gumbo and macarons. It was the perfect treat just before we have to separate for the semester!

It wasn't a glitzy summer by any means, but it was just wonderful. I was able to spend lots of time with my family, my girls, and my guy. Really couldn't ask for much more, huh? I hope you all had a wonderful summer, too! Good luck getting back into the swing of things!

Happy August!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's True What They Say..

...absence really does make the heart grow fonder, you guys.

For those of you who don't know, my main squeeze will start grad school in Memphis this fall. Praise the Lord, we are so excited at the prospect of fulfilled dreams! We are, however, having to  make a few adjustments. For the past three years, Drew has been in Oxford, we have been little more than a stone's throw from one another, and spending time together has been a breeze. Our parents even live in neighboring towns, so with the exception of a few girls' trips/"male bonding experiences", we haven't yet known the meaning of  distance. This summer, though, after weeks of gradual packing, we loaded up everything in his comfy condo, and, just like that, our norms changed. I spent half of the move smiling as I encountered countless old photos, handwritten notes, and corks from the cheap bottles of wine that joined us on the deck almost every weekend. The other half, I spent kicking and screaming calmly expressing my concerns about the impending changes. The past 2.5 weeks without him here have seemed like a lifetime, but I've come to a few realizations.

1) This is a season. 
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." - Ecclesiastes 3:1
I am overjoyed, humbled, and thankful for the season of togetherness the Lord granted us.  In the early stages of our relationship, time to get to know one another without the difficulty of travel was such a blessing. And while I know that our time to love (v.8) is far from over, it is currently overlapping Drew's time to gather stones together (v.5). The next two years are his time (mine too, really) to focus on building a foundation for the future. Time to gather what it takes to live the life we are so avidly looking forward to. You gather those stones, babe. I'll be cheering you on, just don't expect me to drop Hotty Toddy in favor of Go Tigers!

2) This is a year for the girls.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man (woman) sharpens another" - Proverbs 27:17
With Drew in Memphis, I will have more time to cultivate existing friendships. I want my final year at Ole Miss to be spent making the most of the community the Lord has placed me in. Gals, we have spent the last years together, transitioning from girls to women (Britney Spears lyrics are awkwardly fitting, but I decided not to go there.), and learning from one another. You've all seen me struggle on many levels, from burning dinner to overcoming troublesome areas of sin, and I am a better woman for the guidance you all have given me. I promise to spend this year making every effort to sharpen you all as you have sharpened me, to be encouraging when you need it, and to love you as my sisters in Christ.

3) We will be blessed for our faithfulness during challenging times.
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful." -Hebrews 10:23
God is faithful in Oxford, in Memphis, and wherever else He may decide to take us. I know that Satan would love for the stress of the coming two years to steer me from Christ as I frantically try to survive the school-family-friends-work-boyfriend circus. I will do my best to adjust to these changes without wavering, without losing sight of Him. As our lives are altered, I pray that our focus won't be. I pray that the distance from one another will cause us to draw nearer to our Lord than we ever have. I know that he will remain faithful. He will see that we pass through this season with flying colors, and He will see that we come out of it better than ever.

As I say these things, I know that they are more goals than realities at this point. I plan to pray over these three passages incessantly until they are active in my life. I can't promise that you'll always see me keeping it together this year, but I can promise that you will see me thankful beyond measure for the opportunities this time will bring. 

Thank you, Lord, for your goodness!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Resting Place

I mentioned in my first post that my nursery school kiddos have taught me a lot. They have showcased such innocence and honesty during our afternoons together. As I have helped them be the best little people they can be, they have stretched me to become a better person myself. A better Miss Carrie.

Here is a picture from this afternoon--out on the ball court with my main man, G.S. He is as all-boy as they come, but this baby's rough-and-tumble nature, dirt smeared little cheeks, and sweaty hair are delightfully balanced with sweet giggles and even sweeter hugs. After buzzing around the playground until his four-year-old heart is pounding, G often collapses into my lap for a recharge. 

Today, as I ran my fingers through G's messy tangles, I noticed a wild parallel to my own life. I realized that just as this little boy needs a lap to fall into when he has completely tired himself out, I also have a favorite resting spot when my tank is on empty.  At the end of long, strenuous days (this final exam week, especially), nothing comforts me more than dropping all of my weight right into the lap of my Father. I can come, scraped up knees, dirty hands, and all to this place of quiet rest where trivial pursuits take a backseat. A place where bigger, better, faster gives way to deep breaths, serenity, and perspective. Today, I am thankful for a place to "park it" when I am overwhelmed with life's chaos. I am thankful for the lap of my Lord--always welcoming, always comforting, always rejuvenating. 

Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
Luke 18:17

Monday, May 7, 2012

Lessons From Home

Amidst all of the hustle and bustle that being a college student brings, there are some weekends that I just need to be home. While I enjoy worshipping the Lord in Oxford and in Drew's hometown of Booneville, there is nothing quite like a Sunday spent in my home church. The church where my paternal grandfather pastored for more than twenty years. The church where my mom grew up watching her father lead the choir. The church that introduced my parents, sparking one of the most inspirational marriages I've ever known. The church whose grounds boast beautiful moss-covered fountains and gorgeous flowers in the Kennith and Jean Kirk Memorial Garden, dedicated to my grandparents. The church where I now watch my dad, filling his father-in-law's shoes, leading members in worship services every Sunday. The church that raised me. Home. My heart is always blessed by a Sunday at home, and yesterday was one of the best.

I think it's pretty standard of us as followers of Christ to find ourselves repeatedly struggling with the same sins. While our prayers are to overcome these obstacles in our faith, our devotion to the cause is often lacking.

The first chapter of 2 Peter begins by describing the glorious promises the Lord has in store for us as his people. Peter discusses our escape from the sinfulness of this world and God's promise to help us overcome such desires. Verse 5 says  "For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge." 

Peter's goal in this section is to remind us that as believers of Christ and believers in his promises, we can't be passive and half-hearted in our faith. God never intended for us to sit back in effortless following of Christ's teachings. For as much as the Lord has promised us, we are called to make every effort in our power to honor him. We honor him with a virtuous heart, and a heart like that can only be supplemented by knowledge of his Word. As our Biblical knowledge increases, we will be able to better apply it to the sinful areas in our lives. The more familiarity we have with the Word, the better we are at defending our hearts against ungodly intrusions. If there are continual areas of sin in our lives, perhaps it would help to step back and see how avidly we are seeking a defense. The best armor of all is right in front of us, ready to be applied to our transgressions. Defense wins ballgames, folks. Give it a shot!

Get Carried Away with God's Word today!

A Quick "Hello!"

Welcome to "Carried Away!" For those of you who don't know me, I'll give you a little bit of background on myself.

To a wonderful couple of over 30 years, I am daughter. The baby of our family of four, I pretty much fit the profile. I am striving to be half the woman that my mother is, and I will always be Daddy's little girl.

To a 6'3", 27 year old businessman, I am sister. The 6 year age gap between us seems to shrink as we get older, and I wouldn't trade a minute of cutting up with him for a lifetime with a different sibling.

To a handsome, intelligent 24 year old, I am girlfriend. I represent several failed attempts at cooking dinner, shrunken tshirts after trying my hand at laundry, and, by his account, I am a budgeting disaster.  Despite almost three years of these red flags, Drew is still by my side, living life with me. I have never met a person who makes me smile like he does, and I am so excited for the years to come with him!

To the University of Mississippi, I am about $1,000 in parking tickets, 8 semesters of tuition money, and 40-ish used textbooks. I'm kind-of kidding. During my years at Ole Miss, I have learned more about myself than at any other time. I have transitioned from girl to lady while planted in Oxford, and I would dare say that I am in the midst of the best years of my life. In August, I will begin my senior year here, then it's off to graduate school. I'll be documenting my final year pretty frequently on this little blog, so prepare yourself. I'm sure you'll find yourself as in love with Oxford living as I am!

To a special group, I play two important roles. I am both friend and sister to over 300 girls! Crazy, right? Joining Kappa Delta sorority was one of the best decisions I ever made, and while I never had a biological sister, these gals have filled that gap beyond its capacity. I am currently living my last weeks as a tenant in the KD house on campus. While it's been a crazy year of community bathrooms and the like, I will always cherish memories of the up-all-night sleepovers, 24/7 girl talk, and friendships I have made through this sisterhood.

To a class of 18 "bunnies," I am Miss Carrie. I am playmate, confidant, and time-out enforcer. I am a great big hug on arrival, and a high five at each day's end. These 3-4 year olds have completely stolen my heart and grown my love for children more than I ever could have imagined. Watching them grow up has been so much fun, and I am so thankful for all that my time with them has taught me about potty training, runny noses, and life in general.

Finally, to my heavenly Father, I am beautiful. I am the same mistakes over and over again. I am all things human and all things ungodly. I am imperfect, unbalanced, and undeserving. But, in my Lord's perfect eyes, I am redeemed! Reedemed by the blood of the Lamb, I am a sinner saved by his never-ending grace. He is my strength and my portion, and I am completely in awe of the beauty He's brought to my life. As I take steps in my faith, Christ is teaching me more about myself every day. He's showing me that my value and true worth can be found only in Him, and He has revealed to me more joy than I could ever put into words. For all of the above people, I am thankful...but with my King, I am Carried Away!